Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More monkeys

Well I finally finished the second monkey for my son he wanted one when I made the first one. My daugther got the first and here is a photo of the two of them the one on the left is the one I just finished and the one on the right is my daugthers.


I am in a little critter swap on ravelry so that is going to me my next project I have already started it and will be done it later today if all things go well. I won't post any pictures of it until I am done mailing it off and she receives it. I am also working on a pikachu for my son he likes them sort of things. I will post pictures when I am finished that as well.

I went back into walmart and bought some more of the yarn from my last post, it's such a good deal I can't say no. Now what to make with all of it. I would like to make a felted bag, and maybe try some of the felted slippers. This time I bought blues, greens and reds.
This is all for today, Have yourself a great day and knit something you like. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

So very cute. I went and picked up some more yarn at Walmart as well. It was still there waiting for me. Now just to find a place to put it in my ever growing stash.

kathy b said...

Oh I Love love love the monkeys They are wonderful. Great job !!!!! Bananas anyone?