Well I finished my sweater here is the finished photo. I feel like it is too small but it is fine I just need to lose a little weight.
Next I need to finished that other sweater I was working on. Maybe a few more days and that one will be done (I hope, if I don't get bored off it). Have yourself a good night and God bless.
Here I am with another finished project. I am still working on the second sweater from the Knit Simple magazine but got stuck on one part so I put it down and started a different sweater. I had it all done and off the needles but I tried it on, just a little short (I like my sweaters with a little length) and the bind off was a little too tight so I ripped back the ribbing and added a little length to it and now I just need to put in the ribbing and bind off (but not too tight).
Well I am off to finish that sweater hope to post more pictures later today if not tommorow will be fine. Have a good day and God Bless.
I won a contest at The old mill open only to Canadians check it out you could be one of the next winners http://www.oldmillknitting.com/contest.cfm Not sure how to link it but that is the site.
Here is a picture of what I won. I even got to pick the colour I like.
Here I finished more socks these ones are for my Husband he loves my socks.
I am still working on the second tee. Working on the back at 5in not much done I was tired last night and didn't get to work on it, but I did get a bit done this morning.
I finished yet another quick project. Now I have socks on the needles but looking to start something new yet again thinking of another tee but not to sure on what.
Here I am with another project. I have decided to do up another bag. It's crochet and felted I have finished the bag now I need to felt it, I will try to get to that later today. Here is a picture of the bag prefelted.
I also have been working on a knitted T-Shirt from the Knit Simple magazine http://www.knitsimplemag.com/node/137#1
I still need to finish sewing it. I will have pictures to post soon. I am also working on another pair of socks knitted ones this time. Have a good day to all my readers.
I did up a little handbag with some yarn I got for a bargin. It only took me a night to knit up and the second night I finished the handles and sewed them in place. Here is a picture of the cute little bag.
I also got to finish my second crocheted sock I had a tough time trying to make it match the first one. I ripped it three time the first was to wide at the toe the second the toes were to wide and I can't remember why the third time just didn't look the same as the first but I did it got them to match (best I could anyway). I decided to fold them down and not put in an elastic and I think they look good. Here is the finished picture.
Thats all I have for finished knits for tonight. Now I can start something new, hum not sure what will be next. Good night and God Bless.